Chapter One :Chapter 1

Samantha signed as she got up. Alpha had hit her yet again last night. No matter what she did, he was always mad at her lately. She couldn't do anything right. She painfully pulled her small, eight year old body out of the closet that Alpha insisted that she sleep in.

She quickly looked around and relaxed when she realized that he was already gone for the day. She remembered that they were having a new pack visit for some training today and reasoned that he left early to greet them. She better get to work while everyone was out of the pack house. Alpha wanted her to clean the house but she was forbidden from letting anyone see her. It made her life even more difficult. Alpha would hit her if she didn't get her work done but he would also hit her if anyone saw her. She didn't stand a chance most days but since everyone should be at training, she should have a few hours to clean. Hopefully she could most of her weekly cleaning done and alpha would be pleased for once.

She scurried down the stairs and decided to clean the common rooms first since those were the hardest to clean and the most used among the rooms. She finished the entertainment room, kitchen and lounge. Now she just had to clean the library. She pulled her cleaning supplies into the room noisily and froze when she heard two sharp intakes of breath. She slowly started to back out of the room.

"Stop" a powerful, deed voice commanded.

Samantha closed her eyes. He was another Alpha. She could tell the voice.

"I'm sorry Alpha. I thought that everyone was out training" she mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"Come here" he commanded and she did as she was told.

She opened her eyes and walked towards the two figures. One was a huge man with black hair and dark eyes. The other was a curvy women with gray eyes and auburn hair. The woman smirked at her while the man frowned.

"I'm sorry. Alpha David will be so mad if he finds out that you saw me. Please don't tell him" she begged and both their faces softened.

"Oh my Goodness! Can you feel it, Jack?

"The woman gasped.

The man, Alpha jack, nodded as he stared at Samantha.

"Why do you have so many bruises, princess?" He demanded and Samantha stared at the floor, not wanting to answer.

"Answer me" he said in his Alpha voice and she had no choice.

"Alpha David hits me because I make so many mistakes" she whispered.

The couple looked enraged for a moment and Samantha panicked. The woman saw her terror and reassured her.

"We aren't mad at you, dear child. How old are you and where are your parents?" She asked.

"I'm eight and I don't know where my parents are. Luna Suzy found me wandering in the woods when I was about three years old. She took me in and she and Alpha raised me as their daughter but she was killed a year ago "Samantha explained in a soft, halting voice.

"Is that when he started hitting you?" The woman asked and Samantha nodded.

"He said that I couldn't stay in my room anymore. It was safe. He made me sleep in his closet. He also said that I wasn't allowed to let anyone see me anymore. He was the only person that was safe" she added.

The woman looked a Alpha jack and he nodded.

"Do you want to stay with him?" Alpha Jack asked. Samantha paused for a moment and thought.

"No. He told me that I am to be his wife and mate soon. I don't want to be his wife" she replied.

HE WHAT?!!!" Both the woman and Alpha Jack exploded.

Samantha didn't know what to do so she reached out to touch the woman's arm on instinct. The woman immediately relaxed.

"Jack! She is so powerful. I have never felt anything like this before ". She whispered.

"Can you touch his arm like you did mine?" She asked Samantha.

Samantha nodded and cautiously reached out to his arm. When she touch him, he seemed to melt.

"Woah. I have felt a few omegas before but she is most powerful I have ever met" Alpha Jack said and the woman nodded.

"Omega? Luna Suzy said I was an omega but Alpha David said that she was lying after she died." Samantha asked.

"We will talk about that later " the woman replied.

"I'm Alpha jack and this is my Luna, Sara. We are from the Dark moon pack. " Alpha jack introduced.

"I'm Samantha and I live here in the Golden pack " Samantha shyly replied.

"We would like to help you but it would mean that you would have to leave with us now. Is that okay by you?" Luna Sara asked.

Samantha thought for a moment and then nodded. She used to have lots of friends in this pack but she hasn't seen any of them since Luna Suzy died

It was like they all forgot about her.

"Yes. I don't have anything to pack. Alpha made me leave everything when I moved into the closet" she answered.

"But how do I know that you won't hurt me? Alpha said that everyone will hate me and want me dead. That's why I had to hide" Samantha asked.

Alpha jack got down on his knees so he could be at her level. He looked into her eyes for a moment.

"I promise on my honor as an Alpha that I will not allow anyone to harm you" he promised.

Samantha saw the honesty in his eyes and she nodded.

"Okay." She agreed.

"I'm going to mind link the rest of the pack to have them distract the Alpha while we leave. I will have Sean and Taylor come to protect us " Alpha Jack explained and Luna Sara nodded.

"Can you lead us to the door?" Alpha Jack asked Samantha and she nodded.

She led them right to the door. Right as they walked out, two huge men hogged up to them. Samantha shrunk back and grabbed Alpha jack's and Luna Sara's hands.

"It's okay, Samantha, these men are warriors in our pack. They will protect you, always" Luna Sara said and Samantha looked at them, shyly.


They were twins both with brown hair and brown eyes but one was slightly larger than the other.

"Alpha David is working with the rest of the pack and should be for the next hour or so. One of them said.

"Is this her?" The other one asked.

They both looked at Samantha and their faces softened.

"Wow! You are right, she is powerful. How could someone harm her?" One asked.

"Losing mate can cause a wolf to go mad. I think that's what happened here. We will contact the werewolf council when we are back home and safe. We need to go now to protect her " Alpha Jack explained and the men nodded.

"Samantha, this is Taylor and Sean. They are going to help us leave, okay?" Alpha Jack said and Samantha nodded and held out hand to shake.

Both the men took turns shaking her hand. She saw them both take a deep breath when they touched her.

"I'm Sean and that's my twin, Taylor." The bigger Twin told her.

"Is it okay if I carry you, little one? You looked like you are in pain and I don't want you to hurt anymore. Plus we will be able to move faster if I take you" Sean asked.

"You promise that you won't hurt me?" Samantha asked him

Something almost broke in Sean and Taylor then and tears in both of their eyes.

"No, sweat heart we would never harm you in anyway" Taylor replied.

"I promise" Sean added and Samantha nodded. Sean picked her up and she tucked her head under his chin.

" Do you know where the garage is, Samantha?" Alpha jack.

Samantha nodded and pointed the way to the garage. She was glad that Sean carried her for it was a long way and she was very weak. Alpha David hadn't given her any food in almost a whole day she felt dizzy. They got to the garage on time quicker than Samantha thought that they would.

"Mary and Ash are packing up all our things they will be out side the front door in few minutes" Luna Sara said and the men nodded.

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